Friday, August 15, 2014

I'm on a train!

OK, so I couldn't think of better title for my catch up post. It was that or catch up post. Yeah, boring.

It has been a while since I've blogged and a lot has happened since March.

Race/training, I'm getting slower in my run, much much slower. I should be training hills but haven't for the last while. The heat was taking a lot out of me, I crashed and hurt my elbow, rolled the ankle, etc etc etc. Lets just say, I'm very slow and getting more clutzy, if that's even possible! I did, however come in first in my age group at both UBC triathlon races this year, did much better on the Subaru triathlon (although my running, so very slow!). Open water classes with Seahiker are going fantastic. I still get terrified (like the other night when the water at Jerico Beach was clear for once!) but I'm slower working through that.

I started a new job, working for another engineering company. That's going well, busy, and even got a spot bonus from the project manager on my project. I was surprised and amazed for getting a spot bonus from someone like him and for simply doing, what I thought, was my job! And yes, all the money was spent on race stuff, shocked? The downside, working in Gastown. There's so much to eat and buy in Gastown! I'm pretty sure I gained 5lbs in my first week working there. Delicious though.

Speaking of delicious in Gastown, Acme Cafe, Nelson the Seagull and Timbertrain. Three of my favorite places to go! Each different, each unique.

I got two weeks out to my next race and I'm terrified. I want to finish, even super slow, I want to finish and trying to remain positive in the face of me getting even more slow on the run is very difficult. I think the bike for this one will be decent, it's loops just around Stanley Park, the run is through Stanley Park and the swim is two loops of the water at Second Beach. Last year though, big thunder storm rolled through, crashes on the hill around the back of Stanley Park, and some of the swimmers had to be pulled out on the second loop of their swim. I will cry if this happens to me (the thunder!!). Yes, I'm a big baby.

Monday, March 10, 2014

My most humbling race experience yet

I did my first race of the year, the UBC Tri-Du on the weekend (March 9). I was pretty excited as I was doing the race with three people who were doing their first triathlons! When you fall in love with a sport, you can't help but get overly excited when others want to try it as well.

Anyway, during the week I was developing a pretty good head cold that eventually moved into my chest. Fun! I decided on the Saturday to take my cold drugs and swim my race pace to see what my speed would be. I managed to control the heart rate and breathing and it worked out great! Race day, wake up feeling a little bit worse, instead of using the same medication as the day before I decide to go with something a bit stronger, thinking nothing of it.

Because I was pacing in circles around my apartment (my heat started at 210pm) I left early for UBC and hung out watching the swimming until everyone else showed up. It seemed this year some of the swimmers maybe weren't used to swimming with other people, or in lanes, or with lane markers. I watched numerous head-on crashes (you go up and down the lanes for 14 lengths, 700m), people getting run over, people all jammed up at the end of the pool because they were waiting for another 5 people to start, etc! I was getting more nervous, but, hey, that's normal!

Andy started in the heat just before me and my heart started beating out of my chest, I still didn't think anything of it. I'm always nervous just before a race then as soon as I hit the water everything usually calms down. This time, not so much. I hit the water, heart is racing, I start my first length, PANIC ATTACK! Ok, I can see a panic attack if I'm doing the open water swim (I'm still afraid a whale is going to come eat me), put in a pool??? Last summer I was regularly swimming 4000 to 4500m!! I had to do half the pool as freestyle, the other half as breast stroke, without putting my face under water because I would start freaking out and the heart went nuts. Oh, and besides this happening to me, my pants were falling off. Yes, I kept having to try to swim AND pull my pants up. I might have accidently sprayed some of my tri-glide on parts of me that were causing the pants to come down a little bit. (I was wearing my bike/run gear for my swim, which is why no swimsuit).

Right here I have to thank the cheering squad. I could hear people cheering me on (although I couldn't hear my one friend screaming BACON at me), and it was this that caused me to not give up, I really wanted to after the first couple of lengths.

When I did manage it get out of the water (almost 21 minutes later, I can currently do this swim between 13 and 16 minutes), I managed a great transition, for the first time! As I'm rounding the corner to my bike I see the cheering squad. When you're having a horrible race it's nice to have people you know cheering you on!

On the bike I was fighting hot flashes (it was sort of warm out or it was the old age I've not figured it out yet) and wooden legs. Me and this one guy kept passing each other, usually you say ON YOUR LEFT when you pass, but he sang Queen's Bicycle instead. Earworm rest of the race. My legs finally warmed up about the 15-16km point (it was a 20km bike route) and once off the bike, I couldn't run, my feet were completely asleep! Great, that's going to help my run. But, once again, to cheer me on my way was the fantastic crew! They watched me freak out over the messy triathletes in my heat (if you ever do this race, always be considerate of the other athletes and never take over their racking space for the bike). I had to push a few of the bikes aside to re-rack and then had to find my hat, it was thrown down the other end of my racking area. Le sigh! At least this amount of time gave my feet time to wake up and I was out for the 5km run.

The first 2 or 3kms of the run I kept thinking to myself, why do I do this to myself, I'm doing a half ironman this year and I'm having this many issues with a sprint? This is ridiculous, I'm never going to make it to Vegas with my friends. Then around the 4km marker I thought that triathlons were the best things ever and at the finish line when the medal went around my neck, I was already thinking ahead to my next race. My friends were at the finish line, one of them had chocolate for me (thanks Andrea!)

After some beer and chocolate sunday for re-hydration it was time to bike home and crash.

On a side note, how excited am I that Selina got herself a bicycle?? We (Selina, Kele and I) had a nice bike ride home after the race. This was about 6 or 615pm and the sun was still up.

Things I learned this race? Don't spray certain parts of your body with tri-glide because your pants will fall off while you're swimming. Don't take cold/flu medication that you've not tried as it'll cause your heart to race and will produce panic attacks in the pool. Do try to recreate horrible conditions and figure out how to work through them. Honestly, not counting the marathon last year, this was my first really humbling triathlon experience. I now know not to take things for granted, trust my training, and don't change anything race day!!

One small victory, they put in me in the next age group and I came in first. Yes, it was more than one.

Happy racing!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Starting 2014 blogs with a rant

So. Entertain me here with a bit of a rant. When talking to someone out side your normal circle try not to use words like 'only', 'slow', 'fast'. And by this I mean don't compare yourself to others unless you're doing it within your circle for smack talk. Until recently I was one of those that compared myself to others, talked about slow I was compared to others, put myself down in front of those that were faster than me. I even had someone point at a coworker half my size and ask if I'd rather have their body. I've been reflecting a lot this month (having hard time getting back into training) and realized I like my busy! My body took me on a marathon, a whole lot of triathlons, not to mention about four half marathons, who can say that? It's a work in progress and I must love all progress....slow or fast!

As for my rant. I was in the stream room after my swim lady week and an older gentleman was asking about my swimming. How far I went that daddy, etc. I didn't want to say my 1000m was a short swim so I said I was testing my 1000m for an upcoming trace. We got into triathlon talking and, although he's blown out his knees and is limited to swimming, he's going to start upping how many Lengths he does. That I was am inspiration for him to do more. This is someone at least 20-30 years older than me. Me....I was an inspiration. Maybe it was the way I talked about my training, I could have been a number of things. Just never know who you will inspire. If you just change the wording slightly!! You could really have a difference on someone's life.

If you do marathons and someone is doing their first 5km...don't use only! Congratulate them! Sometimes it's embarrassing and hard to get out the door when you first start something.  I don't know about the rest if you runners but anytime I see someone struggling I just want to high five then and keep going!

Happy training!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Song of the day!

I just discovered Jessie Ware the other day and am loving this song!

Bulletproof Executive and chocolate covered strawberries!

I'm currently on day 33 of the bulletproof executive diet. One of my coworkers turned me onto it. Interesting. No grains or dairy for 33 days, I've had sugar but only here or there (mostly in my chocolate! You're allowed 85% or higher chocolate!!) Its been working out so far. I've been PBing a lot with my running, once or twice with swimming and am lifting heavier with some things. Although, after having a great weekend of lifting at the gym I had my ass seriously kicked by my trainer on Tuesday. He reminded me bad lifting days are only around the corner :)

I will be having a few bourbons for the first time though on Friday night. I've not had a drink for almost two months, but, allowed to have spirits if they aren't mixed. Perfect! I love double bourbons on ice. And I shouldn't say "allowed". I'm enjoying this diet (not diet, lifestyle). Its making my more energetic, I'm no longer bloated, I find that I have better workouts, PBing my runs. Its worth continuing to see what else I can do with it.

 I've been riding a lot on weekends. Its been unbelievable weather in Vancouver the last couple months! A lot of extra fall mileage has been put on both my bikes. My cyclocross was "injured" but is back in action! I've no idea how but I completely bent my back wheel, the expensive one! It rides much better now that its fixed, and my chain is repaired and my front tire is tightened. I have a feeling I should take a course in bike maintenance and repair! Luckily I have someone on retainer that can fix my bike for me :)

 I've also been trying my hand at some yummy, and quite interesting, desserts. The cookies are simple recipe, honey, almond butter, pumpkin and spices, dropped onto a cookie sheet and baked. We've decided they'd be delicious frozen with coconut gelato between it!

I also informed of a super easy recipe for making chocolate, I thought, hmmmm, you could totally make chocolate covered strawberries with it! Yum, delicious. You have to leave in the fridge after it hardens but so delicious! I decided to make my own healthy pops, bananas with almond butter between, then dipped in chocolate! Delicious. Bonus picture, my cat's demon eyes. I was eating something, he wanted to know what and tried to make me share!

The chocolate was easy, double broiler (I used a small pot and small bowl), coconut oil, raw cocoa, honey. Boom! That's it! You need to play with it for thicker or thinner consistency. But its pretty basic and very easy. Have I mentioned how delicious too? Very!!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Whistler 50 - 2013

Once again my friend Thomasina, Anna and I took a couple teams to Whistler for the run and it didn't disappoint! Year two and my team (Get Ready for My Sweetness) took off 30 minutes from the previous year. Thomasina and Anna's team (Taste the Rainbow) took off 50 minutes. We had fun hanging out, it was WARM!!The morning started off as 0 degrees, yes, some frost but it was clear and by the time the last person was coming across the finish line it was 18 degrees. Did I mention this was October 19? Yes!! After I was mocked all week talking about Pure Bread non-stop, just about the entire team fell in love with the place (if you haven't been, go! Delicious!) I can't wait for Whistler 50 - 2014!

Vegas 2014!!

I'm currently on my couch watching the finish line of Florida Ironman. A girl I follow on facebook (A Fat Girl's Ironman Journey) is still out there with 2 minutes left to cross. Its inspiring watching the last few minutes, those last few people coming across that finish line, knowing they've been out there, on their own for almost 17 hours. Can you imagine? 17 hours swim, bike, run. Trying to hit each of the cut offs within time. Amazing!!!

2015 Whistler Ironman is still on my radar. For now, I'm registered for 2014 70.3 Half Ironman in Vegas, and, because so many of my friends have FOMO, I've a group of them coming down to do it as a relay! Woot! Very exciting. Although scary, never been to Vegas, must not wander Vegas while trying to focus on race, will get distracted!

Currently training for my first race of the year, UBC Tri-du (love that race!!). Actually, thinking of a run in West Vancouver the weekend before as my first official race but I guess my first triathlon will be the UBC Tri-du. I might have convinced people to do that one with me as well :) yes, I'm evil!

And yes, my injuries from the summer are starting to heal. I did a metric century last weekend on the bike, slow pace but felt great! I'm currently trying the Bulletproof Executive diet (lifestyle, its' not a diet) to see if this can help with weight loss and improve speed. So far so good but second time around trying it and currently on day six. No sugar, no grains, no dairy (I miss cheese) and no alcohol (I miss dairy more than my scotch and bourbon). Headaches are mostly gone :)  Doing my first brick tomorrow so we'll see how much its helping so far!